The translation of idioms: problems and practical techniques from a didactic point of view
Evanthia Saridaki
Academic Staff at University of Thessaly, Department of Language and Intercultural Studies, Greece, PHD in Translation Studies.
Teachers' views on the selection and training methods in Second Chance Schools
Αnastasia Papadopoulou
Candidate postdoctoral student at the Hellenic Open University, General Secretary of the Greek Educational Evaluation Society, PHD of educational evaluation
Stakeholders’ perception on implementing the Free Quality School Education initiative in Bombali District, Northern Sierra Leone.
Mohamed Suffian Kamara
Lecturer, Department of Educational Foundations Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology, Sierra Leone.
Exploring the Impact of Learning Environment on Music Learning Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy
Shi Yunran
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK), Malaysia
Current Situation and Prospect of Quality Assurance in Medical Education
Jing Ma
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Gulin Medical University,Guilin541199,China.
La méditation dans la pensée mystique des Soufis, l’exemple de Cheikh Ibrahima Niasse
Dr. Babacar NIANE
Université Iba Der Thiam de Thiès / Sénégal