Empowering Rural Communities: The Role of BUMDES in Village Development Programs
- Bekti Utomo1*, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi2, Itok Dwi Kurniawan3, Muhammad Fariz Yoga Pranata4, Refa'ul Khairiyakh5, Wahyu Noviansyah6
- ISRG. J. multidiscip. Stud PP- 37-46
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14875198
This article examines the transformative impact of BUMDES (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) on rural community development, emphasizing its role as a catalyst for economic empowerment and social cohesion. Established to enhance local governance and economic activities in villages, BUMDES operates as a village-owned enterprise that mobilizes local resources and fosters entrepreneurship among residents. The study highlights various BUMDES initiatives across different regions, showcasing their contributions to job creation, infrastructure development, and the provision of essential services such as education and healthcare. Furthermore, the article analyzes the challenges faced by BUMDES, including funding constraints, management issues, and the need for capacity building among village officials. By presenting insights from successful models and stakeholder perspectives, the article proposes strategies for strengthening BUMDES as a sustainable mechanism for rural development. The findings underscore the necessity of collaborative frameworks involving government agencies, local communities, and civil society to optimize the potential of BUMDES in achieving broader development goals.
Keywords: BUMDES, rural development, community empowerment, economic growth, sustainable development.